- Pexels is a large database of free stock photos.
- Flaticon is a free database of icon graphics.
- Undraw provides royalty free illustrations for social media and blog use.
- Storyset a repo of Awesome free customizable illustrations for your next incredible landing page, app or presentation project!
- All the Free Stock is a database of all free stock image sites so you can search in one place. Think Google for high quality and free stock images.
- FreePik offers Millions of Free Graphic Resources. Vectors, Stock Photos, PSD, Icons, etc that you need for your Creative Projects.a royalty free stock music library, and is easily searchable using a large number of categories.
- Vecteezy is a platform that offers millions of free vector graphics contributed by artists from all over the world.royalty free stock music library, and is easily searchable using a large number of categories.
You can also make use of the following tools
- Convertio is a free file converter tool.
- EZgif a simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing
- HTML Color Codes lets you drop in an image file, pick a color, and displays the hexadecimal code for you to use.
- Youtube Music is a royalty free stock music library, and is easily searchable using a large number of categories.